We know that each business situation is unique and that the rapid growth of financial technologies (fintech) also contributes to the complexity of Regulatory Reporting and Compliance.

Regulatory reporting refers to the effective regulation and reporting of legal processes within the financial sector by leveraging technologies such as our own custom software, RAHN Monitor, to enable businesses to efficiently comply.


Preventing Money Laundering:

Anti-money laundering (AML) software is a part of RAHN Product Solutions and is extensively deployed in the finance, legal, and commerce sectors to conform to the legal requirements in financial institutions to mitigate, prevent or uncover money laundering activities. 

Anti-money laundering software helps make sure that the regulatory requirements of an organisation at risk of money laundering are met properly. It plays a crucial role in the detection, management, and prevention of financial crimes and fraudulent activities. It is estimated that illegal money transactions and laundering amount to 2-5% of the global GDP every year.

If you would like to find out more about what we have to offer click below to contact us.