Small or medium business Compliance (KYC) in South Africa

How does small or medium size business manage Compliance (KYC) in South Africa?

The first step in managing compliance is to understand the relevant laws and regulations that apply to your business. This includes tax laws, labour laws, industry-specific regulations, and any other legal requirements that govern your operations. Stay informed about changes in regulations and seek professional advice if needed to ensure you’re up to date. The FIC website can provide you all of this information.

Go to Fic Act Reference Guide

Small or medium business Compliance

Here’s a comprehensive guide for small businesses in South Africa on how to effectively handle your compliance: Small or medium business Compliance

Develop a Compliance Plan:

Establish a comprehensive Small or medium business Compliance plan that outlines your obligations and the steps you need to take to fulfil them. This plan should include a checklist of regulatory requirements, deadlines for compliance activities, and designated responsible parties within your organization.

Example of Check List : GO TO CHECKLIST

Invest in Compliance Training:

Ensure that your employees are well-trained on pertinent compliance requirements and clearly understand their roles in maintaining compliance. Moreover, provide regular training sessions and updates to keep them consistently informed about changes in regulations and best practices for compliance. This proactive approach will contribute to a more knowledgeable and adaptive workforce, enhancing your overall compliance strategy.

A company that can offer these type of training courses for Small or medium business Compliance is the Compliance Institute of South Africa:

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Implement Internal Controls:

Implement internal controls and procedures to effectively monitor and enforce compliance within your organization. Such measures may encompass the segregation of duties, conducting regular audits, and implementing checks to ensure that processes are consistently followed correctly. In the event of any deviations, prompt attention and corrective actions can be taken, maintaining the integrity of your compliance framework.

Keep Accurate Records:

Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all transactions, activities, and compliance-related documentation. Additionally, this comprehensive record-keeping involves financial records, employee records, tax filings, permits, licenses, and any other relevant documentation that conclusively demonstrates your Small or medium business compliance with regulatory requirements. By meticulously organizing and updating these records, you ensure a robust foundation for evidencing adherence to all applicable regulations.

Stay Tax Compliant:
Tax compliance is a critical aspect of business operations in South Africa. To ensure Small or medium business compliance, familiarize yourself with the tax laws and regulations applicable to your business, including income tax, value-added tax (VAT), payroll taxes, and customs duties. Additionally, ensure that you file your tax returns accurately and on time to avoid penalties and legal consequences. It’s best to consult a qualified accountant to help navigate these complexities.

Ensure Employment Law Compliance:

Compliance with labor laws is crucial for safeguarding the rights of your employees and preventing legal disputes. Additionally, familiarize yourself with employment laws, covering aspects such as minimum wages, working hours, leave entitlements, health and safety regulations, and employee benefits. It’s imperative to ensure the provision of a safe and fair working environment for your employees while adhering to all pertinent labor standards.

Seek Professional Advice:

The first step in adeptly managing compliance is to thoroughly understand the applicable laws and regulations governing your business. This includes tax laws, labor laws, industry-specific regulations, and any other legal requirements that influence your operations. It is vital to stay well-informed about regulatory changes and, when needed, seek advice from professionals to ensure you are up-to-date. Utilizing the FIC website is an excellent resource to stay informed on all these aspects.

Monitor Regulatory Changes:

Stay vigilant about changes in regulations that may affect your business operations. Subscribe to regulatory updates, join industry associations, and participate in relevant forums to stay informed about changes in laws, policies, and best practices. Adjust your compliance plan and procedures accordingly to adapt to new requirements.

Embrace Technology:

Leverage technology to streamline your compliance efforts and reduce the administrative burden associated with regulatory requirements. Invest in compliance management software, accounting systems, and digital tools that automate compliance tasks, track deadlines, and generate reports to ensure accuracy and efficiency.

A great example of this is our customisable software nl RAHN Monitor. Read more about it on the following link and find out how RAHN Monitor can benefit you and your business to make KYC smoother and easier.

Go To Rahn Monitor

In conclusion, managing compliance is a fundamental aspect of running a successful small or medium size business in South Africa. By understanding applicable regulations, developing a comprehensive compliance plan, investing in training and internal controls, staying tax compliant, ensuring employment law compliance, seeking professional advice, monitoring regulatory changes, and embracing technology, small businesses can navigate the complexities of compliance effectively and mitigate risks while focusing on growth and success.

South Africa Has New Banknotes and Coins

South Africa has introduced new banknotes and coins inspired by family, whales, and bees.

Rahn Consolidated’s articles and case studies are aimed at socialising, climatising, creating awareness, and cautioning economic participants regarding economic crime schemes. The focus will be on anti-money laundering and the investigations around economic crime scheme risks, reporting, and most importantly, its regulatory compliance. The term “Economic crime schemes” is often used interchangeably with “Financial Crime”.

South Africa has introduced new banknotes and coins, the previous notes and coins are now going to be phased out. Below is a case study of how this impacts people who have cash in hand and the impacts this can have on cash threshold reporting from a financial crime perspective.

Image: SARB

ISSUE NO.21-2023, focuses on South Africa’s recently introduced banknotes and coins. This has caused a significant impact on people who have cash in hand. The previous notes and coins are being phased out. This has implications for financial crime prevention, specifically regarding cash threshold reporting.

From a financial crime perspective, cash threshold reporting refers to the obligation of financial institutions. They need to report any cash transactions above a certain threshold to the relevant authorities. This is done to prevent money laundering and other illegal activities.

Enjoy the Read!

The Implications of New Bank Notes and Coins

With the introduction of new banknotes and coins, financial institutions need to implement new controls and checks to ensure that they are accurately reporting cash transactions. This includes updating their systems and procedures to recognize and process the new notes and coins.

For individuals who have cash in hand, the impact of the new notes and coins is significant. They will need to exchange their old notes and coins for new ones before the old ones are phased out. This will require them to go to a bank or other financial institution and exchange their old notes and coins for new ones.

Details about new South African Money

Image: SARB

For those who do not exchange their old notes and coins before they are phased out. They will no longer be able to use them as legal tender. This means that they will have worthless notes and coins. This can have a significant impact on their financial situation.

From a financial crime perspective, the introduction of new notes and coins provides an opportunity for criminals to exploit the system. This is why financial institutions need to implement robust controls and checks to prevent money laundering and other illegal activities.

Image: SARB

The introduction of the new banknotes and coins in South Africa has significant implications. Especially for financial crime prevention, specifically regarding cash threshold reporting. Financial institutions need to implement new controls and checks to ensure that they are accurately reporting cash transactions. For individuals, it is important to exchange their old notes and coins for new ones. Before the old ones are phased out to avoid any financial impact.

Impact of Grey Listing South Africa – RAHN CASE STUDY ISSUE NO.20-2022

Financial Intelligence Centre Act and Financial Action Task Force Recommendations: A case study on the industry impact of South Africa’s Finance Laws.

Rahn Consolidated’s articles and case studies are aimed at socialising, climatising, creating awareness, and cautioning economic participants regarding economic crime schemes. The focus will be on anti-money laundering and the investigations around economic crime scheme risks, reporting, and most importantly, its regulatory compliance. The term “Economic crime schemes” is often used interchangeably with “Financial Crime”.

In June 2021, the Financial Actions Task Force (FATF) highlighted deficiencies in South Africa’s AML/CFTPF regime. The report issued by the FATF, lists a set of “priority actions”. That government’s required to take before October 2022.

Image Of Anti Money Laundering

ISSUE NO.20-2022, focuses on South Africa’s requirement to report on the progress made in the FATF plenary in October 2022. If FATF deems the progress to be insufficient. It will be decided on whether South Africa should be placed on a “Grey list”.

The “Grey list” contains a list of jurisdictions. They are under increased monitoring and are required to address strategic deficiencies in their regimes. To counter money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing. From an industries perspective, when the FATF places a jurisdiction under increased monitoring. It means the country has committed to swiftly resolve the identified strategic deficiencies. Within agreed timeframes and is subject to increased monitoring.

Enjoy the Read!

The Impact of Grey listing South Africa

Countries that would be placed on the grey list are subject to face economic sanctions from development funders like the European Union and the World Bank. Once there is enhanced monitoring of a country based on the Grey listing, the enhanced monitoring requirements could also impose a burden on global

financial counterparts, such as foreign banks or investors, who will be required to implement additional measures/controls when doing business with entities within Gray listed countries. Many global banks and investors have policies against engagements with Grey listed countries.

Policies Implementation in South Africa to curb AML/CTF&P

financial intelligence centre logo

The FATF recommended that South African authorities develop policies to address higher risks of money laundering and terrorist financing. It also suggested policymakers provide the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (the Hawks) with more staff, especially financial investigators, and forensic accountants.

Given this, the treasury and the Financial Intelligence Centre had already started reviewing South Africa’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing legislation. The amendments to the FIC Act have widened its scope by including more categories of institutions and businesses that must adhere to the duties of accountable institutions that are not only limited to reporting of suspicious transactions.

The below key amendments were made to the FIC Act :

The objectives of the Financial Intelligence Centre (“Centre”);

  • The functions of the Centre include the provision of forensic informatio. Empowering the Centre to request information held by other organs of state;
  • Providing for additional and ongoing due diligence measures. Amending the process followed when there are doubts about the veracity of information;
  • Aligning certain provisions and Schedules 3A and 3B. To appropriately refer to domestic and foreign “politically exposed persons”. As distinct from “politically influential persons”, who will deal with in a new Schedule 3C;
  • Certain provisions relating to resolutions of the Security Council of the United Nations. By amending the powers of access by authorised representatives to records of accountable institutions;
  • Enabling the Centre to renew a direction not to proceed with a transaction;
  • by providing for the safeguarding of information;
  • The provisions relating to the disclosure of information to the Centre and access to information by the Centre;
  • Empowering Minister to prescribe appropriate requirements relating to access to personal information. To ensure that adequate safeguards are in place. As required by section 6(1)(c) of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013;
  • Certain provisions relating to the risk management and compliance programme. By amending the offences provisions to empower the imposition of administrative sanctions;
  • The provision relating to the amendment by the Minister of Schedule 2; and
  • Schedules 2, 3A and 3B, and by inserting a new Schedule 3C.

Lessons from other Countries regarding the Grey List:

Botswana National Flag

Mauritius was taken off the Grey list after one year when meeting all requirements and continues to make great strides in improving its AML/CFTPF regime.


Botswana was removed in October 2021 after meeting the FATF requirements. It took the country three years to succeed, during which time it was automatically included in the EU’s list of non-compliant countries.  

Pakistan National Flag

Pakistan has an economy roughly the same size as South Africa’s and has been estimated to have lost USD38bn (R600bn)* of economic activity from 2018 to 2019 as a result of being Grey-listed in 2018. In March this year, the FATF plenary kept the country on the grey list despite it having completed 26 of the 27 action items required by the FATF, which indicates that getting off the list is not a simple task.  

While South Africa is currently on the watch-list for the Grey List. It is all financial industries’ duties to ensure compliance.

The duties to which Accountable Institutions (Financial Industries) should adhere to. In order to avoid being grey-listed you should include the below:

  • To develop a Risk Management and Compliance Programme (RMCP);
  • Conduct Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and ensuring that all clients are identified, verified, screened and risk rated;
  • To develop a risk based framework that would allow the financial industries.
  • To curb risks relating to money laundering and terrorist and proliferation financing;
  • Develop a compliance framework and appoint a compliance officer;
  • Conduct training on AML/CTPF risks and controls;
  • Effectively keep records; and
  • Effectively submit regulatory reports to the FIC.

Given the stringent monitoring on South Africa’s controls around monitoring. It is always key to ensure compliance duties are adhered to.